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October 2015
1 October 2015, by Dominique Bauer, Daniela Paredes, Kristine Kroyer
Civil Society In Times Of (De)Fences: On-The-Ground At The Hungarian-Serbian Border
In Hungary, a fence has been built. One day before the opening of the second meeting of the Regional Academy on the United Nations (RAUN) in Szeged, a city located close to the Hungarian-Serbian (…) -
1 October 2015, by Sophia Reuss
Regional Solidarity, Peace, and Labour in South Asia: An Interview with Karamat Ali
Karamat Ali is a Founding Member and Executive Director of the Pakistan Institute of Labour Education (PILER), a Founding Member of the Pakistan-India People’s Forum for Peace and Democracy, and (…) -
1 October 2015, by Katherine Cashman
South Asian Regional Cooperation to Ease Migration, Alleviate Labour Issues
The subcontinent of South Asia was divided in 1946 during the process of decolonization from British control, in an event called the Partition. Mass migrations followed Partition, whereby 6 (…) -
1 October 2015, by Malcolm Araos
Climate Migration in Bangladesh: Vulnerability, Resilience, and Ways Forward
Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries to the impacts of climate change. Floodplains occupy 80% of the country and every ten years around one-third of the country is severely affected (…) -
1 October 2015, by Dylan Boyko
Crisis of Coincidence
Stephen Harper is not my dad, but he might wish he was. It is becoming categorically apparent that helicopter parenting is all the rage in the Harper household, with its peculiar and protective (…) -
1 October 2015, by Katrina Gibbs
Freedom of Expression in the Age of the Internet
As we partake in this era of expansive technological advancement, the invention of the Internet has changed nearly every aspect of the way that we live our lives. The Internet has completely (…) -
1 October 2015, by Messaoud Romdhani
Corruption: A Big Fly In The Ointment Of The Transition
“Democracy is fragile because it doesn’t speak all the truth.” Edgar Morin, Manouba Univesity, Tunis (May 29th, 2015) While the feel-good memories of the “Arab Spring” slowly fade away in the (…) -
1 October 2015, by Ranabir Samaddar
The Politics of Indebtedness and Government
The tragic capitulation and decline of the Greek government is directly linked to the postures of the radical left, and hence is the cause for greater alarm. A government that was elected to (…) -
1 October 2015, by Theodoros Karyotis
There is Nothing to Celebrate after Sunday’s Elections in Greece
Skyrocketing abstention, social demobilisation and an impending wave of harsh austerity measures call for critical reflection after Syriza’s victory. There is nothing to celebrate, really. (…) -
1 October 2015, by Pervez Hoodbhoy
Pakistan’s Donald Trump
Even his fellow Republicans have labelled him insane. But, defying the predictions of all soothsayers and political pundits, Donald Trump’s still surging popularity with Republican voters suggests (…) -
1 October 2015, by Jawed Naqvi
Of Mermaids Singing Each to Each
In a contested Greek legend, Phryne was publicly disrobed during her trial for alleged impiety. The jurors were outraged by her condition and declared her innocent. In another Greek story, the (…) -
1 October 2015, by ICSSI
Participate in the Extended Iraqi Social Forum 2015!
The Iraqi Social Forum on Coexistence and Civil Peace will take place in Baghdad on 1-3 October 2015. If you can not be there, participate in the Extended Iraqi Social Forum 2015 from everywhere (…)