Home > English > Alternatives International Journal > 2014 > March 2014
March 2014
1 March 2014, by Bradley Castelli
Exhausting Means of Resolution in Syria
Many were relieved when Western powers relented in their haste to intervene militarily in Syria back in September 2013. It was a chemical attack just outside of Damascus that served as the tipping (…) -
1 March 2014, by John Feffer
Ukraine: Out of the Frying Pan
The very fact that Ukrainian protesters can oust their leader and plunge their country into political uncertainty testifies to the diminished influence of the major international players trying to (…) -
1 March 2014, by Messaoud Romdhani
The New Constitution: The Text and the Old Biases
After a delay of fifteen months and intense controversies between Islamists on the one hand, and other liberal groups and civil society associations on the other, over several issues such as, the (…) -
1 March 2014, by Naomi Klein
How Science is Telling us All to Revolt
In December 2012, a pink-haired complex systems researcher named Brad Werner made his way through the throng of 24,000 earth and space scientists at the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical (…) -
1 March 2014, by FRANK BARAT
Remembering Stéphane Hessel
Stephane Hessel, died a year ago today. I wrote this about him at the time, won’t change a word today. Mon cher Stéphane, Wherever you are, I know you are well and at peace. I am also (…) -
1 March 2014, by Ratna Kapur
Totalising History, Silencing Dissent
The agreement by Penguin Books India to destroy all existing copies of Wendy Doniger’s book represents the destruction of the very fabric of Indian culture The agreement by Penguin Books (…)