Home > English > Alternatives International Journal > 2016 > January 2016
January 2016
4 January 2016, by Sophia Reuss
Turkey in Syria: A Web of Contradictions
On November 26th, 2015, Can Dundar, editor-in-chief of Turkish opposition daily Cumhuriyet, was arrested alongside Erdem Gul, the newspaper’s chief Ankara representative, over their allegation (…) -
4 January 2016, by Dylan Boyko
The Disinformation Age
I love populism. The more participation in government, the more educated the electorate is regarding important issues. A system, potentially, of accountability and responsibility can then be (…) -
4 January 2016, by Messaoud Romdhani
“Freedoms Are More Powerful Than Security Measures In Combating Terrorism”
“I will not give you the gift of hating you. You have sought it, but responding to it would be to give in to the same ignorance that made you what you are.” (Antoine, husband of a terrorist victim (…) -
4 January 2016, by Jennifer Geleff
COP21: The “Most Correct” Answer?
In many ways, COP21 reminds me of an arduous multiple choice exam. On multiple choice exams, I was often expected to select the “most correct” answer among a set of imperfect possibilities. The (…) -
4 January 2016, by Michael LaSusa
Colombia Peace Talks Need Afro-Colombian, Indigenous Voices
As the Colombian government and the FARC guerilla group continue negotiations to end Latin America’s longest-running conflict, a coalition of civil society organizations is calling for the (…) -
4 January 2016, by Vijay Prashad
Shot Dead in Cold Blood!
PALESTINE: On December 17, Naseer was driving from Nablus to Ramallah. Light rain fell as he approached the Israeli military’s checkpoint at Huwwara. In front of him was another car, moving (…) -
4 January 2016, by Rohan D’ Souza and Nissim Mannathukkaren
The Nationalist in the NRI
The Hindutva brigade aims to push the Indian diaspora towards a narrow and intolerant version of nationalism, which draws heavily from a Zionist-inspired narrative. Citizenship is what makes a (…) -
4 January 2016, by Ranabir Samaddar
Human Migration as Crisis of Europe
Europe achieved continental unifi cation through economic means, liberal constitutionalism and a currency union. It set goals of peace and security that encourage everyone to be liberal with (…)