Home > English > Alternatives International Journal > 2014 > April 2014
April 2014
1 April 2014, by Roger Rashi
2014 People’s Social Forum Takes Aim At Austerity And The Right
The first ever pan-Canadian social forum will be held this year in Ottawa from August 21 to 24. More than 10,000 participants from all over Canada are expected to come to the University of Ottawa (…) -
1 April 2014, by Nadim Nashif
Palestinians Must Resist Israel’s Efforts To Foment Sectarianism
On 24 February, Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, approved a controversial law aimed at de-Arabizing Palestinian Christians. The new law identifies them as a non-Arab minority group. The (…) -
1 April 2014, by Gideon Levy
The Western Devil Wears Prada
The annexation of Crimea may be problematic, but it is less problematic than the occupation of the Palestinian territories by Israel. Saddam Hussein has already been executed, and so has (…) -
1 April 2014, by Meg Borthwick
Harper Government Attacks Non-Profits To Muzzle Dissent
When you donate to a Canadian non-profit organization, with or without charitable status, did you know that your donor dollars may be used in the latest attack by the Harper government against its (…) -
1 April 2014, by Roger Waters
Why I Must Speak Out On Israel, Palestine And BDS
After more than two decades of negotiations, the vulnerable Palestinian population still lives under occupation, while more land is taken, more illegal settlements built, and more Palestinians are (…) -
1 April 2014, by Gideon Levy
Israel’s Nation-State Talk Means the Return of The Yellow Star
Israelis are judging people by their ancestors and withdrawing into a ghetto-state whose nature will be determined by its purity. This kind of talk could only take place in darkness; in beer (…) -
1 April 2014, by Tariq Ali
How Vladimir Putin Became Evil
The US and UK condemn him for Crimea but supported him over the war in Chechnya. Why? Because now he refuses to play ball. Once again, it seems that Russia and the United States are finding it (…)