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May 2014
1 May 2014, by Siddharth Varadarajan
The Cult of Cronyism
Who does Narendra Modi represent and what does his rise in Indian politics signify? Given the burden he carries of the 2002 anti-Muslim massacres, it is tempting to see the Gujarat chief (…) -
1 May 2014, by Siddharth Varadarajan
What Money Can Buy
Should we worry that Modi may be spending as much on advertising as Obama spent on his entire 2012 campaign? The 2014 election is a reminder of the one big loophole in India’s election rules (…) -
1 May 2014, by C.P. Chandrasekhar
Modi & Constraints Of Democracy
If India is not to be handed over to big business and a rabidly communal fringe, it is best to keep Narendra Modi out of the Prime Minister’s Office. ELECTIONS 2014 are remarkable for a number (…) -
1 May 2014, by Harsh Kapoor
India: Big Business Taking Over Will be Undoing of Democracy
The run-up to the 2014 general elections in India has been an unprecedented demonstration of the massive infusion of money in electoral campaigning. A veritable carpet-bombing of India’s voters (…) -
1 May 2014, by Jim Shultz
To My Friend the Climate Defeatist: Here’s Why I’m Still In the Fight
It is good to mourn for what’s being lost. But giving up just gives the fossil fuel industry what it wants. My English friend Paul Kingsnorth was the subject of a long article two weeks ago in (…) -
1 May 2014, by Amira Hass
Palestinian Reconciliation: Real Unity, or Tactic?
While the Hamas and PLO delegations in Gaza were preparing to declare reconciliation on Wednesday, in Ramallah the diplomatic business of the “state of Palestine” was proceeding as usual. (…) -
1 May 2014, by Vacy Vlazna
The Signing of the Palestinian Spring
At the low point of the farcical ‘peace’ process stalemate, President Mahmoud Abbas signed, on Tuesday 1st April 2014, letters of accession to 15 multilateral treaties and conventions, (a right (…) -
1 May 2014, by Messaoud Romdhani
Tunisia: Impunity After 14 January 2014
The 23 October 2011 National Constituent Assembly elections was meant to entrench the democratic process that had been set in train-not without difficulties and hesitations- in the aftermath of (…) -
1 May 2014, by Barak Ravid
Palestinian Reconciliation is an Opportunity for Israel
Mere minutes after first reports of a breakthrough in the Hamas-Fatah reconciliation talks on ending a seven-year rift began to emerge, the prime minister’s bureau launched a broadside attack on (…) -
1 May 2014, by Chris Gilbert
Gabriel García Márquez and the Coming-into-Being of Latin America
One of the greatest Latin American authors, Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez, died last Thursday. As with any writer whose work becomes a mass culture phenomenon, his work is also the (…) -
1 May 2014, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
The Solitude Of Latin America
The full text of the Nobel lecture delivered on December 8, 1982 by the Colombian great who’s died at his home in Mexico City on April 17, 2014 Antonio Pigafetta, a Florentine navigator who (…)