Home > English > Alternatives International Journal > 2016 > May 2016
May 2016
6 May 2016, by Katrina Gibbs
Bernie Sanders and the Awakening of the American Left
On Thursday, April 14th, a conference was held by Donald Cuccioletta on Bernie Sanders: Le Réveil de la Gauche Américaine. The talk focused on an analysis of the phenomenon of Bernie Sanders and (…) -
6 May 2016, by Dylan Boyko
Fighting Against the Bureaucratic Tide
The problem posed by the current refugee crisis in Turkey, Greece, and much of Europe is, on one hand, an economic and political morass and, on the other hand, a very simple human crisis. There (…) -
6 May 2016, by ICSSI
The Iraqi Intifada, a Weekend of Popular Nonviolent Uprising
On the 1st of May 2016, Baghdad looked much safer, without separation walls between the government and the Iraqi people. Those concrete walls built to protect politicians in the Green Zone, to (…) -
6 May 2016, by Michel Warschawski
Gideon Levi: BDS-The Only Way
BDS is progressing, even within Israeli society. Two of my good friends, Uri Avnery and Gideon Levi, used to argue against the efficiency of this strategy, claiming its sole result would be to (…) -
6 May 2016, by Mansoor Raza
On Death’s Door: Trade Unions in Pakistan
At an estimated 63.34 million workers in total, Pakistan has the 10th largest labour force in the world. Besides federations and confederations, there are 945 trade unions currently active in (…) -
6 May 2016, by John Hilary
End For TTIP?
The documents show that US corporations will be granted unprecedented powers over any new public health or safety regulations to be introduced in future. If any European government does dare to (…) -
6 May 2016, by Jakob Reimann
One Last Chance for Peace in Yemen
On the night of January 5, a squadron of F-15 fighter jets from the Royal Saudi Air Force carpet-bombed a neighborhood in the densely populated Yemeni capital of Sanaa. Following the assault, the (…) -
6 May 2016, by Josh Hoxie
Wealthy Americans Don’t Have to Go to Panama to Hide Their Wealth
The first thing you notice on the cab ride from the airport to downtown Panama City is the skyscrapers. They’re architecturally beautiful, but jumbled together as if there was no plan or (…) -
6 May 2016, by Monojit Majumdar
What the ‘Revolutionary Terrorism’ of Bhagat Singh Really Means
There has been uproar in Indian Parliament over the alleged reference to Bhagat Singh as a ‘terrorist’ in a well known book, the sale and distribution of whose Hindi version has been stopped by (…)