Home > English > Alternatives International Journal > 2013 > July 2013
July 2013
2 July 2013, by Bradley Castelli
The Mussalaha International Peace Delegation to Syria
This past May the Mussalaha International Peace Delegation traveled to Lebanon and Syria to speak with Syrians immediately affected by the ongoing conflict, and to discuss the competing discourses (…) -
2 July 2013, by Suzanna Khoshabi
Whistleblowers: Heroes or Heretics?
One year ago this June, Julian Assange was granted political asylum at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. However, the anniversary of his stay at the embassy had to share headline space with Edward (…) -
2 July 2013, by Michael Sabelli
Turkey Protests
I love Istanbul. It’s a city without comparison. A city spread across two continents, a grandeur that is fitting of its culture, history and mega metropolis geography. I also love Turkey (…) -
2 July 2013, by Sta Kuzviwanza
Rapid HIV Self-Tests
According to the 2012 UNAID report on the AIDS epidemic, about 34 million people are living with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS – with 2.5 million new infections each year and 50 percent of those (…) -
2 July 2013, by Tariqa Tandon
The Palace of Illusions: A Book Review
Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s bestselling novel, The Palace of Illusions, is an interpretation of the events of the Hindu epic Mahabharata through the lens of the woman married to the five Pandava (…) -
2 July 2013, by Steve Fake
When Will Dirty Wars End?
Director Rick Rowley and journalist Jeremy Scahill’s much talked about docu-thriller Dirty Wars: The World Is a Battlefield opened on June 7 to strong positive reviews. A companion piece to (…) -
2 July 2013, by Jessica Newfield
Homosexuality in West African Countries
If the Anti-Homosexuality Bill (also known as the “Kill the gays”) proposed by Ugandan parliament member David Bahati in 2009, imposed the death penalty or life imprisonment of HIV-positive (…) -
2 July 2013, by Wendy Papakostandini
The Game Changer
“And the white smoke is out!” tweeted Vlora Citaku, Kosovo’s minister for European integration, “Habemus Pactum!” What Citaku was referring to was a deal struck this past April between the nations (…)