Home > English > Alternatives International Journal > 2012 > July 2012
July 2012
1er juillet 2012, par Juan Camilo Velásquez-Buriticá
International Environmental Day of Action
On June 20th around 50,000 people took to the streets in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in anticipation for the ineffective outcome of the Rio+20 Summit. Additional protests sprang up in various (…) -
1er juillet 2012, par Houda Chergui
Child Prisoners in Palestine
The World Social Forum Free Palestine is taking place this year from November 28 to December 1 in Porto Allegre, Brazil. An echo of the World Social Forum’s opposition to neo-liberal hegemony, (…) -
1er juillet 2012
Canada held responsible for torture : Rights violations in the West
In 1985, Canada signed onto the United Nations (UN) Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, and was one of the first countries to do so. In a (…) -
1er juillet 2012, par Lola Duffort
Crusade 2.0 : A Book Review
There is little extensive Western journalism or academic work done on Islamophobia, and certainly no authoritative text on the matter, which is perhaps why John Feffer’s project in Crusade 2.0 : (…) -
1er juillet 2012, par Walden Bello
Why are Philippine Funds Being Used to Bail out Irresponsible European Banks ?
The Philippine government’s decision to extend a $1 billion loan to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to supplement the Fund’s war chest of $456 billion to contain the economic crisis in (…) -
1er juillet 2012, par Jillian Ward
Japanese PM Noda Orders Restart of Nuclear Reactors
On June 8th Japanese Prime Minister Yohishiko Noda made a televised appeal for two nuclear reactors of the Ohi nuclear plant to be reopened in order to maintain the country’s economic vitality and (…) -
1er juillet 2012, par Jacob Dobias
An Overview of Syria’s Current Human Rights Violations
The conflict, and anti-regime attitude in Syria has been ongoing since the beginning of the current President’s term. President Bashar al-Assad has been in power since the political demise of his (…) -
1er juillet 2012, par Geneviève Lavoie-Mathieu
Promoting Organic Agriculture in Africa : The Need to Lead by Example
“Organic agriculture can offer an impressive array of food security, economic, environmental, and health benefits for developing countries, including in Africa,” declared Petko Draganov, UN (…) -
1er juillet 2012, par Michael Reford
The Politics of Football
It is that time again : Every four years fans around the world get to enjoy the European Championship. Whether in domestic leagues or at the international level, politics seem to be omnipresent in (…)