Home > English > Alternatives International Journal > 2011 > October 2011
October 2011
21 October 2011, by John Pilger
The Son of Africa Claims a Continent’s Crown Jewels
October 19, 2011 — On 14 October, President Barack Obama announced he was sending United States special forces troops to Uganda to join the civil war there. In the next few months, US combat (…) -
2 October 2011, by Lili Eskinazi,
Tamkinat Mirza
Alternatives International Project Briefing – October 2011
Each of the nine member organizations of the Alternatives International federation is constantly at work on a variety of projects to improve social, economic and environmental justice in their (…) -
2 October 2011, by Hiba Zayadin
Symbolic Or Not, Palestine Deserves It
Palestinians have found themselves propelled onto the world stage in the past month as Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas seeks United Nations recognition of an independent state. (…) -
2 October 2011, by Hiba Zayadin
A Voice From Within Palestine
“We are not ready for another intifada, we are ready for a Palestinian Spring,” - Rifaat Sabbah -
2 October 2011, by Marion Bauer
Till Death Do Us Part: Re-thinking a US- Israeli Relationship
On September 23rd, the United Nations General Assembly was set to vote on the resolution that would recognize the Palestinian occupied territories as a state, and give it full observer status in (…) -
2 October 2011, by Robert Fisk for the Independant
Why the Middle East Will Never be the Same Again?
The Palestinians won’t get a state this week. But they will prove – if they get enough votes in the General Assembly and if Mahmoud Abbas does not succumb to his characteristic grovelling in the (…) -
2 October 2011, by Omar Kadhim
Turkey’s Back in Town!
On May 31st 2010, nine Turkish activists were killed by Israeli commandos in what would become famously known as The Flotilla Incident. The details of what happened that night on the aid ship (…) -
2 October 2011, by Donald Cuccioletta
September 11: Lessons for Humanity
When we think about September 11, what first comes to mind is images of the two planes crashing into the twin towers and the collapse of the World Trade Center. But there were other images too. (…) -
2 October 2011, by Lili Eskinazi
Free Trade and Military Aid: Is Colombia the Israel of the Andes?
Canada beat the U.S. to it—the Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement (CCFTA) entered into force on August 15, 2011 despite widespread concerns over the morality and transparency of the agreement. (…) -
2 October 2011, by Aviv Milgram
How trustworthy is Anna Hazare?
Anna Hazare, Arundhati Roy, and other Indian activists hold a common factor in their diverse diagnoses of India’s main problem - corruption. The source of this corruption and how to treat it is (…) -
2 October 2011, by Hiba Zayadin
Somalia: Failing Responses to a Failed State
Somalis have once again found themselves fleeing starvation, drought, and conflict. Thousands of Somalis with washed-out ribs and blown-up empty bellies roam their country in search of aid. (…) -
2 October 2011, by Tamkinat Mirza
Are GMOs the road to food security in Kenya?
In the face of a drought that has recurred over the past 25 years, and has led to continuing food insecurity as well as multitudes of lost lives, African countries including Kenya have been (…) -
2 October 2011, by Geneviève Lavoie-Mathieu
EITI: A Democratic Tool for Populations to Benefit from the Extractive Industry?
Mining dependent economies and countries endowed with natural resources have led to highly variable economic performances. A total of 50 countries are defined as being largely dependant on mining, (…) -
2 October 2011, by Martin Lukacs
Activists rally to put the kibosh on the Keystone pipeline
The phone call to organizers was a bittersweet confirmation that the story was being carried around the continent. It came from activist Tim DeChristopher — new folk hero and symbol of the (…) -
2 October 2011, by Liza Ponomarenko
Media Governance; A New Direction for Development
Media governance is an aspect of development studies that is largely ignored in a technological world where it should be a key issue. The history of electronic communication worldwide can (…)