Five days after the coup attempt on 15th of July, the NSC and Council of Ministers declared a state of emergency in the country. This step shows the coup attempt might have been blocked, but the desire to rule the country with coup-like, authoritative mentality is not.
In this period Turkey will be ruled by Decree-laws against the constitution, the Council of Ministers will be chaired by the President, the jurisdiction of governors will be increased, and vital universal and democratic human rights will be violated while the Turkish Presidential System will be imposed without restraint. Thus, the coup attempt has become a tool and opportunity for the government to purge all opposition and limit democratic rights and freedom.
The road to arbitrary rule, unlawful behavior, feeding on violence, polarizing politics, marginalization inciting tension and hatred, insecure conditions and consolidated power has been chosen. A democratic solution regarding the destructive coup was not considered, society has been forced to choose between a coup or an undemocratic government. We absolutely deny these choices.
The ruling party has chosen to exploit the hatred of the masses for political gain. The historic opportunity to take steps against the coup with social consensus by democratic measures was not taken. We find this cheap, pragmatic and stillborn approach of celebrating the state of emergency unacceptable. AKP’s efforts to become the absolute power and reinforce one-man-rule by declaring a state of emergency will lead our country to a more painful course.
The main responsibility belongs to the forces of democracy and peace under the increasingly worsening conditions in Turkey. To develop the common attitude of these forces, invigorate the fight and to defend democracy together is what we need to do today.
We call upon all institutions defending peace and labor, unions, chambers of all professions, CSOs, democratic mass organizations, political parties and structures, women and youth organizations, all citizens with conscience to stand against this dark and serious time in our country, to be in solidarity for our peoples’ safety and freedom, for the democratic future of our society.
Our immediate need is democracy and freedom. The way out of the coup, the conflicted state and current chaos is not a more authoritarian one-man-rule, but more democracy.
Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP)
Central Executive Board
21th July, 2016
Posted on 21/07/2016 |