World Social Forum Free Palestine
Alternatives, Alternatives Asia, Alternative Espaces Citoyens, Alternatives Information Center (AIC), Forum des Alternatives Maroc (FMAS), Initiatives Pour un Autre Monde (IPAM), Institut Terazul, Teacher Creativity Center (TCC), and Un Ponte Per (UPP) all support the establishment of the upcoming World Social Forum Free Palestine taking place from November 28 to November 1 in Porto Alegre Brazil.
The Forum will address the many human rights issues that arise from an occupied Palestine. It is “an echo of the World Social Forum’s opposition to neoliberal hegemony, colonialism, and racism through struggles for social, political and economic alternatives to promote justice, equality, and the sovereignty of peoples.”
Below is the undersigned’s declaration:
“We the undersigned wholeheartedly support the call (see below) for the World Social Forum-Free Palestine launched by the Palestine National Committee of the Forum and urge all international solidarity organizations to work towards making this forum a success by undertaking, among other actions, the following:
– Popularize WSF-FP in all national, regional and international events as a build up towards the forum
– Build international delegation for participation in the Forum
– Organize expanded activities in their region during the forum in Porto Alegre
– Send messages of solidarity endorsed by all possible organizations and individuals”
Signed by:
Alternatives, Canada
Alternatives Asia, India
Alternative Espaces Citoyens, Niger
Alternative Information Center (AIC), Palestine/Israel
Forum des alternatives Maroc (FMAS), Morocco
Initiatives Pour Un Autre Monde (IPAM), France
Institut Terazul, Brazil
Teacher Creativity Center (TCC), Palestine
Un Ponte Per (UPP), Italy
The WSF Free Palestine will be a global encounter of broad-based popular and civil society mobilizations from around the world.
It aims to:
1. Show the strength of solidarity with the calls of the Palestinian people and the diversity of initiatives and actions aimed at promoting justice and peace in the region.
2. Create effective actions to ensure Palestinian self-determination, the creation of a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, and the fulfillment of human rights and international law, by:
a) Ending Israeli occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall;
b) Ensuring the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and
c) Implementing, protecting, and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194.
3. Be a space for discussion, exchange of ideas, strategizing, and planning in order to improve the structure of solidarity.
Alternatives Montreal — Montreal, Canada
From July 12 to 19, Alternatives participated in the World Social Forum preparatory assembly in Monastir Tunisia. The assembly’s purpose is to plan the upcoming World Social Forum taking place in Tunis, Tunisia in March 2013. Alternatives is also preparing its Continental day of Action against Canada’s mining industry which takes place August 1. On this day, Alternatives will defend the developing countries that are protesting the harsh exploitation techniques of Canadian mining companies.
From July 9 to 11, Alternatives Niger staged a workshop on migrant human rights. Approximately twenty civil society actors from three different regions in Niger were informed on the rights of migrant workers based on the United Nations Convention on the protection of migrant workers and their families. The purpose of the workshop was to provide participants with the necessary judicial tools to protect the rights of these peoples.
Forum des Alternatives Maroc (FMAS)—Rabat, Morocco
In preparation for the World Social Forum in Tunis, Tunisia in March 2013, Alternatives Morocco assisted a preliminary meeting in Monastir Tunisia from July 12 to 17. The assembly reunited social movements, trade unions and activists from around the world. Approximately 3000 people gathered together to debate on themes such as social movements in Tunisia, democracy, citizenship and human rights, economic and social rights in a globalizing, neoliberal world, women’s rights, among several others.