Vinod Raina - Alternatives Asia- speach at Rabat meeting about the policy of the open space of world social forum process related to the Maghreb Mashrek meeting.
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Forum social mondial
AlterInter at Maghreb Machrek seminar Rabat - Morocco 5-6 may 2009
12 May 2009 -
The Education Social Forum in Palestine is on it’s way !!
12 May 2009Rafat Sabah, director of the "Teacher Creativity Center in Palestine and President of Alternative International , told us his impression about the Maghreb Mashrek forum and the project of the World Educational Social Forum that should be realized in 2010 in Palestine and the role of culture and education in the Palestine.
Alternatives International au Forum de Belém
28 janvier 2009, par Michel LAMBERTLe Forum social mondial de Belém s’est ouvert hier, 27 janvier 2009, par une marche regroupant plus de 100000 personnes provenant des quatre coins de la planète. Cinq chefs d’États sud-américains se sont aussi joints à la masse des altermondialistes à l’œuvre pour mettre en marche cet autre monde possible et surtout nécessaire !
Depuis le tout premier FSM de Porto Alegre en 2001, les Forums sociaux ont réalisés leur ambition de créer un nouvel axe de convergence pour la multitude de (…) -
Palestine at the World Social Forum 2011
16 February 2011, by Feroz MEHDIIn the plenary concluding session of the World Education Forum in Ramallah on October 31, 2010 it was decided to hold a thematic forum “World Forum in Solidarity with Palestine” sometimes in 2012.
Alternatives International organized a seminar on this theme to explore further the possibility of achieving this goal. The seminar was registered in the self-organized activities during the World Social Forum 2011 held in Dakar from February 6 to 11, 2011.
Last couple of years (…) -
People’s Social Forum in 2014 and the World Social Forum in 2016
21 décembre 2013, par Ronald CameronWhile expressing support for the idea of eventually holding a World Social Forum (WSF) in Montreal, the board of Alternatives nonetheless spoke out against the project to hold one in 2015. This was in order to protect the mobilization for Peoples Social Forum (PSF) in 2014, which enjoys significant support from civil society organizations in Quebec, Canada and the first nations. In this context, we welcome the decision of the International Council of the WSF to recognize Tunisia as a new (…)
AlterInter au Conseil International de Rabat
12 mai 2009Adz. ElKadher, syndicaliste, membre du FMAS et des comités de suivi des Forum sociaux marocain et maghrebin explique comment la rencontre de Rabat prépare le prochain forum social Maghreb/Mashrek
AlterInter at Maghreb Machrek seminar in Rabat- Marocco 5-6 may 2009- and IC WSF meeting
12 May 2009Feroz Mehdi is one of the founder member of Alternatives. He has been working on projects related to the countries in South Asia. He has also been working in education programs in Quebec and Canada organizing conferences and contributing to publication of newsletters and other documents of analysis and information.
Since 2007 he has taken the job as General Secretary of Alternatives International. -
Final Declaration of the Social Movements Assembly
16 February 2011, by World Assembly of Social MovementsAs the Social Movements Assembly of the World Social Forum of Dakar, 2011, we are gathered here to affirm the fundamental contribution of Africa and its peoples in the construction of human civilisation. Together, the peoples of all the continents are struggling mightily to oppose the domination of capital, hidden behind illusory promises of economic progress and political stability. Complete decolonization for oppressed peoples remains for us, the social movements of the world, a challenge (…)