1. What are the relations between the WSF strategy and the alter-globalisation process (considered as the anti-systemic process of the neo-liberal phase of globalisation) ?
2. What are the issues at stake when facing :
• the neo-liberalism crisis and the capitalism evolution
• the geopolitics’ and the US’s hegemony’s crisis
• the ecological crisis
• the democratic crisis and the question of political representations?
3. Considering the global capital market regulation, can we develop, as an alternative, the strategic orientation of equal access to fundamental rights for all?
4. How to widen the bases of the alter-globalisation process (its social bases within the grassroots’; its geographical bases; its thematic bases; its professional and institutional bases)?
5. How do the WSF influence with the social and political environment (through struggles, alternative propositions, operational propositions, development of citizen’s expertise, innovative social practices, the elaboration and the exchange of ideas)?
6. How to conciliate enlargement of the WSF and radicalisation?
7. How to define actions modes of alter-globalisation (through thematic Forums, the Assembly of Social Movements, the definition of « reinforced coalitions » coming from the WSF, by associating more the global campaigns, by contesting the international institutions, G8, IMF, WB, WTO)
8. What articulations between the national strategies and the alter-globalisation process?
9. What are the alliances possible with certain governments? What place is made or should be made for political parties in the alter-globalisation process?
10. What political culture to develop in the alter-globalisation process and in the WSF (self-administrated activities, participative and delegated democracy, means of power or overtaking power)?
11. What are the possible alliances for the alter-globalisation process (against war, against authoritarian or fascist regimes, anti-capitalist, anti-productivist)? What position to take regarding the specific alliance against the neo-liberalism and more particularly the alliance with the neo-Keynesians?
12. What strategy to adopt regarding public opinion (Medias, communication, visibility)? What time span for the intervals between the WSF (every year or every two years, in alternance with the continental or regional forums)? What about the world’s day of action: every year? Every two years? At the same date than the WSF or at another date?