Forty years later, the Palestinian people still are not able to exercise their right to self-determination, while their situation only worsens. Forty years later, international law, and innumerable UN resolutions calling for Israel’s withdrawal remain unimplemented (the “redeployment” of Israel Army forces from Gaza have only transformed this territory to an open-air prison.) This is why former United States president Jimmy Carter didn’t hesitate to label Israel’s occupation as “apartheid.” We say, it’s enough!
Forty years of occupation means:
• The death of thousands of Palestinians; the exile of 250,000 Palestinians (i.e. a new population of refugees); the detention of 650,000 Palestinians; the demolition of 12,000 homes; the destruction of over 1 million olive trees; etc. In effect, this means that the Palestinian people have become a people of refugees. World public opinion is outraged! The government of Israel continues its policies. We say: it’s enough!
• The systematic and continuous construction of Jewish-only colonies (a.k.a. “settlements”); innumerable UN resolutions demanding their dismantling. The government of Israel continues its policies. We say: it’s enough!
• The erection of the Wall of Shame transforms Palestinian territory into Bantustans, similar to those formerly created by Apartheid South Africa. This Wall separates farmers from their lands, students from their schools, workers from their jobs, and individuals from their communities. This Wall is a daily nightmare for Palestinians! The International Court of Justice in the Hague ordered its demolition… The government of Israel does nothing. We say: it’s enough!
• Targeted assassinations of Palestinian leaders, and the arbitrary arrest and detention of members of the Palestinian Legislative Council. We say: it’s enough !
• The systematic prevention of Palestinians to enjoy their right to education, health and water. We say: it’s enough !
The occupation must cease immediately. This is why we ask the Canadian government to commit to demanding from Israel:
► The immediate end of the occupation;
► Respect for international law;
► The dismantling of Jewish-only colonies and the Wall of Shame;
and that it commit to:
► Recognizing the Right of Return or compensation for Palestinian refugees (according to UN Resolution 194);
► The reestablishment of Canadian international aid for the Palestinian Authority;
► Withdrawing the Jewish National Fund’s charitable organization status in Canada.